At Wunder Training you will find an ideal training method to prevent and actively fight back pain. We have specialised in training muscle strength as a solution for back problems for over 13 years. Strengthening the back muscles is often recommended to lessen the pain, but you might not know how to do this or be familiar with the most suitable exercises in your case.
At Wunder Training we help you solve back pain with the advice of our team formed by physicians, physiotherapists and trainers, and with training equipment designed specifically for this purpose, such as the Medx lumbar extension machine to treat and prevent lumbar back pain or the Medx cervical extension machine to treat and prevent cervical neck pain. Find out how to easily and effectively specifically strengthen the deep muscles of the spinal column and improve your quality of life.
Increase strength, decrease pain
The main cause of back pain is often the lack of strength of the muscles surrounding the spinal column. Scientific evidence suggests that, at present, more than 80% of all cases of chronic lumbar pain are due to weak back muscles that ends us causing injuries (Kalichman et al. 2017). This is why muscle strengthening exercises are now considered an essential tool in the treatment and prevention of back pain. Weak muscles offer less support and stability to the spinal column, leading to injuries and premature wear of the spinal column. Increasingly sedentary lifestyles with less physical exercise make this situation worse. Over 70% of all adults suffer an episode of back pain at some time in their lives. If the pain persists and becomes chronic, the person automatically tends to avoid movements that make it worse, and this means that the muscles become even weaker. The specific strengthening of the deep muscles of the spinal column proposed at Wunder Training can significantly reduce painful symptoms and even eliminate them entirely.
Start strengthening your back
On your first visit to the Wunder Training facilities, we will ask you to complete a questionnaire to assess your current physical fitness. If there are no signs of significant health problems, one of our personal trainers will design your training programme to meet your specific goals. For 60 minutes we will accompany you during this 1st session to show you the keys to our training method and how strength training can help you improve your health, in this specific case preventing back problems particularly in the lumbar back and cervical neck regions. If we see during this 1st session that your health would benefit from it or, depending on the severity and your level of pain at that time, we might recommend an initial medical consultation with our medical team to analyse your specific case in further detail and assess the possibility of a medical muscle strengthening treatment or a combination of physiotherapy and osteopathy sessions.
At the start of your training at Wunder Training, a Spinal Column Test is performed to ascertain the current condition of your back muscles. We will study your strength curve in the lumbar back and cervical neck regions, comparing your strength levels with people of your age, sex and weight. This back-strength test will show us whether there actually is a lack of strength that could be the cause of or make you vulnerable to back pain. Once you have been performing your muscle strengthening training sessions for some time, we will repeat the Spinal column test to check we are on the right track and that the muscle strength in your back has improved.
How do I strengthen my back at Wunder Training?
At Wunder Training we use simple, safe and effective exercises to strengthen the back. These are exercises that everyone can do, as they do not require uncomfortable postures or any great efforts regarding coordination. We use Medx equipment for back muscle strengthening exercises, as these are considered the best muscle strengthening equipment in the world and are famous for their great biomechanical precision, the significant isolation of each muscle group, and the low friction produced during the exercise, making it an ideal tool for increasing muscle strength.
Below are two examples of exercises to specifically strengthen the back that we perform at Wunder Training with most of our patients, including those suffering from back pain and wanting to improve it and those who are in good physical shape and want to avoid these problems.
Strengthening the lumbar back area
This exercise allows for the isolated strengthening of the extensor muscles in the lumbar spine. On this equipment, we fix the pelvis so that the ischiotibial and gluteus muscles are unable to take part in the movement, which allows for the isolated strengthening of the deep muscles of the lumbar spine. This enables us to work in a safe, comfortable position, adjusting the amplitude of movement of the lumbar spine according to the symptoms and injuries of each patient, and it also allows us to adjust the training load in a controlled manner. This is a very effective exercise to increase muscle strength in the lumbar back area and improve or prevent discomfort and pain in this region.
Strengthening the cervical neck area
This exercise allows for the isolated strengthening of the extensor muscles in the cervical spine. On this equipment, we fix the torso so that the back muscles are unable to take part in the movement, which allows for the isolated strengthening of the deep muscles of the cervical spine. This enables us to work in a safe, comfortable position, adjusting the amplitude of movement of the cervical spine according to the symptoms and injuries of each patient, and it also allows us to adjust the training load in a controlled manner. This is a very effective exercise to increase muscle strength in the cervical neck area and improve or prevent discomfort and pain in this region.
Medical back strengthening for very severe cases
In those with more significant back pain or who suffer from some kind of disorder of the spinal column, such as a disc herniation, we offer the option of Medical Muscle Strengthening Therapy for a more thorough control of the treatment. In these cases, our medical team will examine you before you start and we will decide together on the most suitable therapy programme for your needs and discomfort. A physiotherapist will accompany you during each muscle strengthening session using even more complete machines, under the constant supervision of our physician. Normally, muscle strength improves significantly in 2 to 3 months or, in other words, 12-18 therapy sessions. To ensure these improvements are maintained long term, we recommend you continue with muscle strength training once therapy has ended. This video offers more information on the Medical muscle strengthening therapy.
If you want to strengthen your back to prevent or improve back pain, come and try the Wunder Training method and discover simple, effective exercises using the best technology in the sector to meet your goal. Over 17,000 people have successfully tried our treatments since 2008. A strong back is a back without pain.